2022 | 17m 10s | 2.35:1

Angela Charles shares the challenges of losing her sight as a visual artist, and her experience of ‘coming out’ to everyone after years of hiding it.
Multiple voices weave narration and description: 'Daniel', Angela’s iPhone, a philosophising Audio Describer and her mentor, the artist Bedwyr Williams. The film explores ideas of 'seeing', the power and limitations of language to describe the visual world, and questions our preconceptions in asking us, what are you looking at?

Produced by Liberty Smith, osrprojects.co.uk & angelacharles.com

Official Selection: Hot Docs, DOC NYC, Ann Arbor, Hot Springs, Original Thinkers

Semi Finalist Best Documentary: Flickers’ Rhode Island (RIIFF), FilmHaus - Berlin

Honourable Mention, Best Short Documentary: LA Independent Women Film Awards, WOFFF